
Learn to Create Bonsai for your Homes and Offices

Now a days not every one can afford to have a big garden area while living in Flats and Buildings . Bonsai and Terrarium are miniature plants which you can create and mantain in tiny spaces . They also give a lively and sopisticated  look to your homes and offices. Bonsai  is a Janpanese art form in which Miniature trees are grown in containers .

Learning to create Bonsai is not that hard as you may think . I will be guiding you through the process  step by step and explain the five stages  of  Creating a Bonsai .


  • Step 1 : Selection of a proper plant(stock)to begin your work with .
  • Step 2 :Select appropriate bonsai style for your selected plant .
  • Step 3:Wiring your Plant
  • Step 4:Potting your Bonsai in proper Soil
  • Step5 : Learn to Care and maintain your Bonsai




The Process of Selecting appropriate Plant for your Bonsai

Bonsai is a Process and not a special plant which is genitically engineered to stay small .  Not all plants can be processed into a bonsai , so the process of selecting a proper plant according to your Cliamtic conditions  and availability plays a important role .


Here is List of Trees you can use for creating Bonsai :IMG_0521

Fir , Maple ( Trident Maple ,  Hedge Maple, Amur Maple ,Montpelier Maple, Japanese Maple, Red Maple ) , Desert rose , Barberry , Bougainvillea , Box, Boxwood , Camellia , Fukien tea tree , Hornbeam , Cedar , Lebanon Cedar , Chinese Hackberry , Flowering Quince , Cypress  (  Hinoki Cypress , Hinoki Cypress ,  Sawara Cypress ) , Dogwood , Smoke Tree , Cotoneaster , Cupressus , Sugi , Hawthorn ,  Shrubby Cinquefoil , Elaeagnus , Spindle , Enkianthus , Brush cherries , Wolfsmilk , Spindle ,  Beech , Fig  (  Weeping Fig ,  Chinese Banyan Fig , Port Jackson Fig ) , Dwarf orange , Ash , Fuchsia , Gardenia ,  Ginkgo ,  Australian Silver Oak ,  Ivy , Honey Locust , Hibiscus ,  Holly , Blue jacaranda ,  Winter Jasmine ,  Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper , Chinese Juniper, Shimpaku , Blue Juniper , Eastern Juniper ,  Larch , Privet , Sweetgum , Shrubby Honeysuckles , Osage Orange , Barbados Cherry , Star Magnolia , Apple/Crabapple ,  Mangifera ,  Dawn Redwood , Satinwood ,  Jaboticaba  , Myrtle , Bamboo ,  Bahama berry ,  Olive , Spruce , Andromeda , Pine ( Sand Pine  , Mountain Pine , Japanese White Pine , Japanese Black Pine , Virginia Pine , Western Yellow Pine) , Podocarpus , Ming Aralia , elephant bush , Firethorn , Indian Hawthorn , Azalea , Black Locust , Chinese Sweet Plum , Snow Rose , Brush cherry , Baldcypress , Field Elm , Chinese Elm , Wisteria , Chinese Pepper , etc




Selecting  appropriate bonsai style for your  plant .

Once you have selected the plant to Bonsai then you arrive to the point where you have to select the style you pefer for your Bonsai . Bonsai can categoriesed into multiple styles like :

  • Formal upright or chokkan style  :  This Style of Bonsai has  straight , upright and tapering truck toward the top . The Branches of the tree gradually progess from broad and thick in the bottom to fine and short at the top
  • Informal upright or moyogi style  :  This Style is Comprised of curves in the truck and the branches
  • Slant-style or shakan  :  This Style is same as the  the formal upright style , only the top peak of the Bonsa iis located on the left  or right side of the  roots
  • Cascade-style or kengai  :  These Bonsai are modelled from trees that grow ner flowing water or mountain sides .
  • Root-over-rock :   In this Style the root of the plant are wraped aroung the rock aand then entered in the soil at the base .





Wiring Your Plant  :

The process of wiring is used to drive the tree into a certain specific posture. Once the tree adapt to the posture the wire can be removed . The  wire used is soft copper or aluminium wire . I need to be approximately one third on the size of the branch .

Begin wiring by anchoring the one end of the wire in the soil and  start twisting it around the branch ia 45 degree angle as closely as possible . Wiring takes bit of a practice . It will allow you to position the tree in the posture you want for it . Once the main Wiring in done the basic posture of the tree can be seen , now is time to trim out the unwanted braches  . After the process of trimming is done we can complete the finer wiring of the braches , same way by anchoring one end of the wire at the branch beginning and twisting it around to achive the desired shape .



Potting your Bonsai in proper Soil 

The main feature of bonsai trees is that they are planted in pots which restrict their growth . Selection of a proper pot which allow ample amount of soil around the root and has aleast two drainage holes is very necessary .

Get your potting mix from the nursery , it will contain Akadama soil and Kanuma soil. These types of soil have High waterholding capacity and air conductivity . and we will also need one small sharp stone , it will help the roots to divide and also improve the drainage system .

Next step involves removing the plant from its existing pot  and check it roots for bug and rot . Loosen up the soil and brush of the dirt stuck on the roots to have a clear view of the roots . Then cut out any large thick roots and leave the long slender roots that will sit near the surface of the soil..  First put a layer of coarse soil in the pot . This will prevent the upper soil from getting out from the drainage holes .  Then use our soil mix and pack it around the plant properly . Position the tree and orient it properly the way you want it .  if preferred you can put a layer of moss or gravel on the top . The layer of moss and gravel makes your bonsai look more presentable .



Watering your plant :

First watering is very important .

Water the plant properly so that no gaps remain in the soil . Gaps will result in the roots drying off . You can also submerge the pot in water till the bubbles stop  this makes sure that all the gaps in the soil are filled .



Bonsai  Care and Maintenance   :

After Bonsai your tree has gone through a radical change . Place it in semi – shaded area .

Prevent it from harsh wind and direct sunlight . Water them regularly in proper proportions , don’t make over drown them . In general once a day, and twice a day in the summer .

Do not keep adding  fertilizers to your newly created bonsai it may damage the newly developing roots . Your soil already has plenty of nutrient in it .So don’t be tempted to add additional nutrients .




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