Dish Gardening


Dish Gardening is a style of gardening in which plants are grown in a shallow Dish container .

This Gardening style  is comprised of developing a environment in which the plants can grow very slowly , in turn creating a look of a miniature Ecosystem .The ingredients use in plantation ,see to it that they can drain water quickly  , have adequate moisture and less fertile to slow down the growth .

Dish Gardening add Elegance to your gardens


Today Let me Take you through the process of creating a basic Dish Garden ..

1) Material Gathering :  First step we are going to start by gathering the following materials to create a terrarium :

  • A Shallow Pot
  • Coarse Soil (Brick Pieces)
  • Potting Soil
  • Dish Garden  Plants
  • Moss Sheet


2) Prepping the Pot : First take our Shallow Pot  and Pierce 2 to 3 holes on the bottom area of the Shallow Pot. Then cover the holes with a square shaped net on each hole, intact the net with a wire. The holes will help excess water to drain out quickly from the Pot and the net will prevent the soil from flowing through the holes .



3) Potting Coarse Soil (Brick Pieces) : Next step is to spread brick pieces on covered net area these in turn will help with drain system of the Disk Garden , Expelling all the excess water .



4) Create Soil Mix : Create your  Potting Soil mix by mixing mud with cockpit and vermin compost .



5) Potting Mix Layer :  Now add your mixture of vermin compost and mud  to the container gently. Fill the container upto 1/2 or 2/3 its size .







6) Visualising a Basic Props Placement:  Create a rough picture of a layout  of scenery you want in your  Dish Garden and then start by placing the biggest props you want in it …that is in my case a house then the fence and so on







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