
Terrarium are Beautiful Miniature gardens  which add Beauty and sophistication to your homes and offices



Now a days in Cities and Small towns Life has become so fast and busy that one can hardly find time for himself. So If you love to have some plants around you , but don’t have enough time to care for them then they can place Terrariums in their homes and offices . Terrarium can be referred to as a miniature ecosystem of plants .Terrariums create a unique environment for the growth of the plants . The transparent wall allows heat and light to enter the terrarium which in turn lead to the creation of a small water cycle . As the temperature rises , it evaporates the moisture is the air , which condenses on the walls of the terrarium container and small droplets of water flow down to the soil and plant . With Constant water supply and sunlight for photosynthesis an ideal environment is created inside terrarium .

Let Us Learn To Create a Terrarium at Home  :

1) Material Gathering :  First step we are going to start by gathering the following materials to create a terrarium :

  • A Transparent Glass Container
  • Activated Charcoal
  • Potting Soil
  • Terrarium Plants
  • Moss Sheet


2) Charcoal Base : Next step  we will first scrub clean the Glass Container  and then Create a base layer of a mix of some pebble and majority Charcoal      1-2 inch high at the base of the Container . This layer will help collect water drainage




3) Potting Soil Mix : Create your  Potting Soil mix by mixing a handful amount of charcoal with out soil



Potting Mix Layer


4) Potting Mix Layer :  Now add your charcoal and soil mix to the container gently. Fill the container upto 1/3 or 1/4 of it size . Take care that there are no remaining air pockets in between the soil .


Plants to Add


5) Plants to Add :  Now it time to add you small

terrarium plants to the Mix . Remove the Plants gently from their containers and place them above the potting mix layer . place the plants properly to allow adequate room between two plants for more additional soil .

6)  Packing Soil in Air pockets : Fill Soil in the gaps between the plants and pack the soil properly with your hand to remove any possible air pockets .






7) Garnish : Now it time to garnish and make your Terrarium  look presentable , for that we will use the moss sheet .  We will properly place the moss sheet on the soil in between the plants  . You and add pebble and miniature objects to add your personnel look to the terrarium.




Watering your Terrarium


8) Watering your Terrarium : Lightly Water you plants to create enough needed moisture and you are done .

9) Care : Then Place your Terrarium in a shaded area where  it can get indirect sunlight . Do not place it in direct sunlight .




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